• Superpower Daily
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  • David Attenborough narrating my life in real-time (using GPT-4 Vision)

David Attenborough narrating my life in real-time (using GPT-4 Vision)

A new series: How Do You Use ChatGPT?

In today’s email:

  • 📚 Tutorial: Cloning my voice with ElevenLabs

  • 📬 With Auto Summarize, you'll see a 1-line summary above every Email

  • Get a summary email with the stuff you have done today using just one screenshot

  • 🧰 16 new AI-powered tools and resources. Make sure to check the online version for the full list of tools.

Top News

You need to watch this! David Attenborough is now narrating my life in real-time

Get the code here!

Also, a good tutorial: Cloning my voice with ElevenLabs

New in Superhuman - With Auto Summarize, you'll see a 1-line summary above every Email

Get a summary email with the stuff you have done today using just one screenshot

A new series: How Do You Use ChatGPT? 🚀

The first guest is Sahil Lavingia the co-founder and CEO of Gumroad one of the largest platforms for creators to sell their work online. He shared how he uses ChatGPT for:

Buying a building.

He wants to buy a New York City hangout for Gumroad employees and customers, so he asked ChatGPT to research the history of real estate in NYC, suggest which neighborhoods might be best to target, generate questions for brokers, and even detail what the design of a particular property might look like.

Writing tweets.

Sahil is a prolific Twitter/X user. He often uses ChatGPT to help him flesh out an idea. He says, “I [start] with a tweet, which is like a thesis, and then I just say, ‘Add three to four paragraphs to make the point compelling—also suggest more examples.’” We explore his precise process for using ChatGPT to help him brainstorm short tweets and longer essays in this episode.

Pressure-testing ideas.

For Sahil, ChatGPT is like upgrading his peripheral vision. It lets him see around the corners, ask better questions of himself and other people, and avoid poor decisions. He told me, “I think a lot of people sort of delude themselves into thinking they have [good ideas]… I think that one of the most useful things about [ChatGPT] is it focuses your research on what actually matters.” For Sahil, it’s the ultimate tool to help him think better.

Also in this episode: how ChatGPT could have helped Sahil save $70 million, how he thinks it will improve the most-talented creatives, and why he thinks—in the age of AI—people have no excuse for not knowing the answer to something anymore.

Other stuff

Superpower ChatGPT 5.0.0 has been released. 🎉

The most powerful release yet with Prompt Chains, AutoComplete Menu, Quick Sync, Custom Instruction Profiles, and many more features.

Superpower ChatGPT Extension on Chrome


Superpower ChatGPT Extension on Firefox


Tools & LinkS
Editor's Pick ✨

Xembly - Get an AI executive assistant that helps you schedule, take meeting notes, and track action items — saving you 8 hours every week.

Editor's Pick ✨

Martian’s tool automatically switches between LLMs to reduce costs

Synthesis - Teach your kids to think for themselves.

MailEcho uses AI to keep track of your existing Gmail inbox and instantly surfaces any urgent emails as text messages.

Screenshot To Code - Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean HTML/Tailwind/JS code

ABHero - Increase your sales by optimizing your sites using Generative AI.

AI Courthouse - An AI courthouse to solve arguments with your friends

Taskade AI Agents - Build, train, run custom agents - create your AI workforce

AI Product Insights Feed - Get a real-time feed of product opportunities with Sprig AI

Autoblocks 2.0 - Craft remarkable GenAI product experiences

Fireflies.ai Mobile App - AI Notetaker - Transcribe, summarize, search in-person meetings

Yogger - Video analysis & AI movement screenings

AdutorAI - Convert audio to styled text based on your chosen template

Recty AI - Thumbnail Generator - AI thumbnail & social media content editor

Sidekic AI - Your personal AI search assistant

Zeebra: Images to Short Video - Turn your images into a short video with narration + music

Prompt of the Day 🍭: RizzGPT

Click on the image to load the full prompt in ChatGPT (requires Superpower ChatGPT)

Unclassified 🌀 

  • WFH Team - Work from anywhere in the world

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⚡️ Join over 200,000 people using the Superpower ChatGPT extension on Chrome and Firefox.

Superpower ChatGPT Extension on Chrome


Superpower ChatGPT Extension on Firefox