Major security leak in GPTs

There’s something going on with AI startups in France

In today’s email:

  • 📌 Humane’s Ai Pin is a $700 Smartphone Alternative You Wear All Day

  • 😅 Sam Altman just roasted Elon Musk's new 'Grok' AI chatbot, calling it 'cringey boomer humor'

  • 💻 AI is about to completely change how you use computers, by Bill Gates

  • 🧰 10 new AI-powered tools and resources. Make sure to check the online version for the full list of tools.

Top News

Humane’s Ai Pin is a $700 Smartphone Alternative You Wear All Day

The newly unveiled Ai Pin by Humane is a small, lapel-attachable device featuring an onboard camera and powered by a Qualcomm chip, leveraging AI. It aims to integrate AI into everyday life and potentially replace smartphones. The device resembles the Narrative Clip and includes a camera, microphone, depth, and motion sensors. It operates through voice control and a personic speaker or Bluetooth headphones.

The Ai Pin functions without a screen, using a touchpad and gesture recognition. It's designed to work independently of a smartphone, utilizing a Humane-branded wireless network over T-Mobile. A unique feature is the Laser Ink Display, which projects information like incoming calls onto the user's palm.

It has a two-piece design with a battery booster for all-day use and features a Trust Light for recording transparency. The device activates only upon user engagement, managed by a privacy chip. It runs on an AI-infused proprietary operating system, Cosmos, and doesn't require traditional apps.

Customization is done via, a central platform for device management. The device has features like "Catch Me Up" for inbox management and offers real-time translation and fitness goal tracking.

Priced at $699 with a $24 monthly subscription, it also includes music streaming through Tidal. Humane is backed by notable investors and has raised significant funding. The company positions the Ai Pin as a part of the future of ambient computing, in contrast to more immersive technologies like AR headsets.

Public orders in the US begin Thursday, November 16th. Learn more:

Func fact: In the Demo, the AI answer to "When is the next eclipse, and where is the best place to see it?" is entirely wrong.

Sam Altman just roasted Elon Musk's new 'Grok' AI chatbot, calling it 'cringey boomer humor'

Security leak or "just" a prompt engineering?

And another example.

Elon Musk: War, AI, Aliens, Politics, Physics, Video Games, and Humanity | Lex Fridman Podcast

Other stuff

Some Cool GPTS

  • Assistant Assistant — a GPT for up-to-date help using the OpenAI API, including Assistants.

  • GodGPT - Trained on all Philosophical texts, Sacred and religious texts to answer your deepest existential questions.

  • Visual Weather #GPT - Simply provide your location and our AI will create a unique artwork reflecting the current weather, time of day, and characteristics of your city.

Superpower ChatGPT 5.0.0 has been released. 🎉

The most powerful release yet with Prompt Chains, AutoComplete Menu, Quick Sync, Custom Instruction Profiles, and many more features.

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Tools & LinkS
Editor's Pick ✨

Aria is Your AI Research Assistant Powered by Large Language Models

Slay - Turn lectures into Anki & case questions instantly!

Giskard - Open-source testing framework for LLMs & ML models

Coldpress AI - open-source datasets with uniform metadata for easy discovery and download.

Lightrail - A Platform for Cross-App AI Actions

All Can Code - Share some information about your product idea, and our AI will instantly estimate the required time and cost to get it to the market. - daily arxiv paper summaries with instant search, convenient links, and images

Kroto - AI - Build and sell courses as if you're writing a Notion Page

Coffee Chat AI - Podcast and coffee chat question generator

Flagright AI Forensics - The modern standard in AML compliance through AI agents

Prompt of the Day 🍭: ESL teaching script

Click on the image to load the full prompt in ChatGPT (requires Superpower ChatGPT)

Unclassified 🌀 

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