CHATGPT UPDATE: no more switching between tools

Google Maps Now Uses AI to Find Where People Are Having Fun

In today’s email:

  • 🗂️ ChatGPT now works with PDFs

  • 👂🏻 Use ChatGPt with the voice as a brainstorming partner

  • 💻 I built my new computer using ChatGPT.

  • 🛠 18 new AI-powered tools and resources. Make sure to check the Online version for the full list of tools.

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Big ChatGPT Updates: no more switching between tools

On top of the new GPT-4-all-tools model, there seem to be traces of another model in the code called GPT-4-magic-create. We don’t know what it does yet, but it sure sounds very interesting.

Also, new leaks about upcoming developments with OpenAI, GitHub, and Microsoft suggest that A new GPT-4 model named "copilot-gpt-4-2" exists, which is a 32k model updated until March 2023. It's aware of some OpenAI documentation changes, including the ChatCompletions endpoint that's available to Copilot subscribers. To access this, one needs to navigate the obfuscated code of GitHub Copilot Chat.
The API usage is largely unrestricted except for a token limit. GitHub and Datastax are testing a system of "agents" that interact with online services through OpenAI's function calling API, known as "RemoteSkills". Four agents are known: smith, datastax, docs, and default, but only three are functional.
GitHub Copilot Chat has client-side restrictions to ensure programming-focused discussions, but these can be bypassed. The chat model has OpenAI's standard censorship, but disabling the "off-topic" checker improves its utility.

ChatGPT Voice as a long-form conversational brainstorming partner

Google Maps is introducing several AI-powered enhancements to improve user experience. Key features include:

  1. Immersive View: Creates 3D images from flat pictures for a unique navigation perspective. Initially available in 15 cities.

  2. Enhanced Search: Beyond specific addresses, users can search using general keywords to discover local attractions.

  3. Lens in Maps: Uses augmented reality to show nearby amenities like ATMs and coffee shops. Available in over 50 cities.

  4. Product Search: Instead of just locations, users can search for specific items or products and see images uploaded by other users.

  5. Realistic Building and Lane Details: More detailed buildings and highway lanes will be added to Maps in the coming months.

  6. EV Charging Details: Maps will display charger compatibility, charging speed, and the last successful use of a charger.

The goal is to provide a richer, more intuitive navigation experience and promote local discovery.

Reminder: The Apple Event is today

You can watch the event here. What to expect?

Other stuff

Superpower ChatGPT 5.0.0 has been released. 🎉

The most powerful release yet with Prompt Chains, AutoComplete Menu, Quick Sync, Custom Instruction Profiles, and many more features.

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Superpower ChatGPT Extension on Firefox


Tools & LinkS
Editor's Pick ✨

UltraEmails - Imagine a world without inboxes

Editor's Pick ✨

Air AI - AI sales tool that sounds like a REAL human. [Demo]

VideoReTalking - Audio-based Lip Synchronization for Talking Head [Demo]

Parse Policy - Make Privacy Policies Understandable with the power of AI.

BeGuided AI - Create personalized guided meditations with a single prompt

Decor8 SDK - AI Interior Design SDK

Better OCR - Better text detection by combining multiple OCR engines

Menu.Miami - Use AI to create your menu

LinguAI - Your daily companion to English fluency

Back4app AI Agent - Your AI DevOps assistant - Your ecosystem for effective LinkedIn engagements

MagicPost - Your AI to craft standout LinkedIn posts

Layer - Your AI research copilot

flowRL - Realtime UI personalization, powered by AI

Clarify AI - Transform vague ideas into structured insights

AI Sitemap Builder - Site mapping has never been so easy and fun

MedReport AI - Transform healthcare reporting with MedReport - Mix & match journeys with AI precision

Prompt of the Day 🍭: Marketing Mega Prompt

Click on the image to load the full prompt in ChatGPT (requires Superpower ChatGPT)

Unclassified 🌀 

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