Confirmation that AGI is indeed here

ChatGPT's knowledge cutoff is being updated

In today’s email:

  • 🚦 US orders immediate halt to some AI chip exports to China, says Nvidia

  • 📢 Google wants to put ads in its generative AI search

  • 🆎 Grammarly’s new generative AI feature learns your style

  • 🛠 17 new AI-powered tools and resources.

Top News

ChatGPT's knowledge cutoff is being updated for some users to September 2023.

Google has revealed plans to introduce new ad formats for its AI-driven search experience, known as Search Generative Experience (SGE). This information was confirmed during the company's earnings call. CEO Sundar Pichai stated that Google aims to develop a native ad format tailored for each phase of the search journey. He expressed confidence in transitioning from conventional search methods to this new AI-enhanced format, drawing parallels with past transitions like desktop to mobile.

SGE was initially launched during Google I/O and was made available to U.S. users, followed by users in Japan and India. Google already places ads above the SGE results on desktop and below on mobile. They have also previewed customized ads within the SGE that will come with a "sponsored" tag.

While Google earned a revenue of $76.69 billion in Q3 2023, showcasing an 11% YoY growth, its advertising business was responsible for $59.65 billion of this total. Meanwhile, its Cloud earnings stood at $8.41 billion, which was lower than the anticipated $8.64 billion. Lastly, the company shared that their video feature, Shorts, has witnessed an increase in viewership, with over 70 billion views daily.

Amazon has introduced a new generative AI-powered tool for advertisers to create more engaging ads. The tool is designed to address a common challenge faced by 75% of advertisers in a survey: the difficulty of building ad creatives. Amazon's generative AI tool assists advertisers in generating lifestyle imagery for their products, enhancing ad performance. For instance, showcasing a product, like a toaster, in a real-life setting (e.g., on a kitchen counter) can increase click-through rates by up to 40%. This tool is user-friendly, allowing advertisers to select their product and instantly receive lifestyle and brand-themed images generated by AI. They can then modify the images using text prompts and test multiple versions. This solution caters to both small advertisers without advanced creative capabilities and major brands seeking efficiency. The image generation tool is currently in beta and will be made available to more advertisers over time, based on feedback.

Other stuff

Superpower ChatGPT 5.0.0 has been released. 🎉

The most powerful release yet with Prompt Chains, AutoComplete Menu, Quick Sync, Custom Instruction Profiles, and many more features.

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Tools & LinkS
Editor's Pick ✨

ReactAgent - An experimental autonomous agent that uses GPT-4 language model to generate and compose React components from user stories [Demo]

Editor's Pick ✨

Audio Writer - Just record your spontaneous thoughts, and we'll turn them into clear & coherent writing

Adala - Autonomous Data (Labeling) Agent Framework

Pirr - Co-write erotica with the help of AI
Related: Pirr raised an angel round to help you co-write erotica with an AI

VideoMyListing - Make free videos for your Airbnb listing with AI

Polyfire - 🔥 A managed backend for AI apps. Call AI models from the frontend

Lexis - Legal generative AI with conversational search, drafting, summarization

Mynd - A journaling app that uses AI to uncover patterns and insights that were previously difficult to access.

Eve - AI tool built for the legal profession that you can partner with, train, and teach

The Panthera(P.)uncia of Cybersecurity - Subdomain & Exploit Hunter powered by AI

Finito AI - Use AI in any app or website, just select text & press CTRL

StoryBee - Generate stories for kids with our AI-powered platform

Moemate - The AI studio where characters come to life

Cookii - AI to create a recipe

Zoho Sheet '24 - Dynamic data, generative AI & revamped apps

Arch - AI-powered email, tailored to you

gnow - Personalized AI study guides

Prompt of the Day 🍭: Validate Business Idea

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Unclassified 🌀 

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