Use GPT-4 to frustrate telemarketers

Improve ChatGPT with Knowledge Graphs (code included)

In today’s email:

  • 🧠 OpenAI Introducing Superalignment

  • ☎️ Use GPT-4 to frustrate telemarketers

  • 🕵🏻 How to Use Google Bard to Find Images Faster

  • 🛠 Various AI-related tools and platforms, including SuperManage, BrewNote, Rosebud, Motive-8, Drippi, Simple Scraper, Consult an AI, Kartiv, Haven, 3dFY, QuestionWell, Short Circuit, WorkViz, Fliki, Glimmer AI, and more.

Top News

OpenAI Introducing Superalignment [Link]

We need scientific and technical breakthroughs to steer and control AI systems much smarter than us. To solve this problem within four years, we’re starting a new team, co-led by Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike, and dedicating 20% of the compute we’ve secured to date to this effort. We’re looking for excellent ML researchers and engineers to join us.

Improve ChatGPT with Knowledge Graphs (code included) [Link]

We propose an approach that focuses on augmenting ChatGPT using a knowledge graph. This method aims to provide a structured context, ensuring the model outputs are accurate but also relevant and up-to-date. By bridging the gap between the unstructured textual world of ChatGPT and the structured clarity of knowledge graphs, we strive to enhance the effectiveness and reliability of AI language models.

All the code used in this article is available on Google Colab and on GitHub.

AIPRM - There’s a prompt for that [Link]

Wish you had a set of pre-built ChatGPT prompts that you can favorite and use over and over?

Check out AIPRM, the free Chrome extension that integrates directly into ChatGPT.

Build your prompt library from a selection of thousands of pre-built prompt templates boosted by your own reliable custom prompts.

Tackle all your writing and coding needs:

  • Marketing - Content calendars. Blog Posts. FB Headline Hooks.

  • Sales - Cold emails. Follow-up emails. Sales collateral copy.

  • Code - Python Scripts. SQL Queries. Chrome Extensions.

Any imaginable ChatGPT use case. There’s a {prompt} for that.

Use GPT-4 to frustrate telemarketers [Link]

"Oh jeez, hang on, there's a bee on me, hang on," Jolly Roger tells one scammer. "There's a bee on my arm. OK, you know what? You keep talking, I'm not gonna talk, though. You keep talking, say that part again, and I'm just gonna stay quiet because of the bee."

How to Use Google Bard to Find Images Faster [Link]

A new feature just got added to the ChatGPT rival Google Bard. You can ask for pictures directly, as you might already do in a standard Google web search, and you can also get pictures in line with your text.

Gen AI or Jen AI? [Link]

Superpower ChatGPT 4.0.0 has been released.

And the good news is No more Unusual Activity error!

Superpower ChatGPT Extension on Chrome


Superpower ChatGPT Extension on Firefox


Tools & LinkS
Editor's Pick ✨

SuperManage - Uses AI to help managers and teams prepare for exceptional 1-on-1s. [Link]

Editor's Pick ✨

BrewNote - AI-powered notes for user interviews [Link]

Editor's Pick ✨

Rosebud - The journal that talks back [Link]

Motive-8 - Use GPT to Get Motivated [Link] [Blog post]

Drippi AI - An AI assistant for your Twitter DMs [Link]

Simple Scraper - Summarize, Analyze, and extract understanding from any data on the web using AI [Link]

Consult an AI - AI-powered expert guidance for tailored business solutions [Link]

Kartiv - Use words to inspire your visuals [Link]

Haven - Deploy open-source LLMs on your own cloud. [Link]

3DFY AI - Text to 3D [Link]

QuestionWell - Generates an endless supply of questions so teachers can focus on what matters. [Link]


📚 Calling all teachers! 📚 Get ready to level up your online classrooms with this game-changing AI tool! 🔥💡 It’s FREE and designed to seaml... See more

Short Circuit - ChatGPT and GPT-4 natively on iOS, iPad & Mac [Link]

WorkViz - Foresees Your Team's Full Potential with AI [Link]

Fliki - Video creation made 10x simpler & faster with AI [Link]

Glimmer AI - Use GPT-3 and DALL·E 2 to generate visually stunning presentations [Join Waitlist]

HeyHaddock AI - Create trips based on your preferences and plan your itinerary with friends [Link]

Fronts AI - AI website builder, calendar, payment, search, web-extractor [Link]

Mowa AI - Scale your data team capacity with AI Analytical Copilot [Link]

Lolla on Telegram - AI-picked memes delivered to you daily [Link]

Prospe AI - Automates research by using AI to find decision-makers in your target domain, and seamlessly integrates them into your email outreach campaigns [Link]

Unclassified 🌀 

  • DesignStripe - Say hello to your AI social designer. [Link]

  • TextQL - Get free access to Code Interpreter [Link]

  • CopyAI: Whatever you need, just ask - [Link]

  • Fiverr - Find the right freelance service, right away [Link]

  • WFH.Team - Work from anywhere in the world [Link]

  • Add your link here ➜

source: Reddit

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